A culture of conscious awareness, steady wisdom and focused action leads to exceptional achievement - with integrity, authenticity and wellness.
But how do you lift a culture?
Welcome to our London-based global learning academy, where we develop people as powerful catalysts for meaningful change and impactful results - with a conscious 21st century view.
Online or face-to-face, a high purpose business wants high performance interwoven with wellbeing. The answer is in learning how to utilise 'conscious leadership'.
A conscious leader asks 3 crucial questions:
Who am I? And how will I actualise my own potential as a wise and steady leader, especially under pressure? (leading self)
How will I engage and develop my team authentically as individuals and still get the results we intend? (leading others)
How do we do business for the greater good and still profit? (leading the culture)
Our clients aim for high-performance and world-class impact. They are unique because they put the planet and people ahead of tasks and they seek to do so with deliberate integrity and authenticity. It is our strategic, transformational approach to:
conscious leadership training
learning and development
diversity and inclusion
influencing and coaching
emotional and spiritual intelligence
mindfulness, wellness and energy management
that lifts an organisation effectively and quite rapidly to the level
it seeks.
As a leader of change and innovation, your personal mastery steps you strongly into the power of your authentic leadership style and engages your team to work in more conscious ways ~ where everyone truly matters and can flourish while fully aligned with your business drivers.
OUR SERVICES We offer bespoke programs that answer your needs:
Board and SMT vision and capability
strategic planning, organisational development and measurement
cultural transformation and integrated learning
transition and succession planning
influencing, negotiating and advanced communication
leadership development workshops and training
coaching and mentoring training and support
mindfulness and self-empowerment seminars and retreats
OUR MANDATE Conscious Leadership Australia is a strategic development consultancy that transforms cultures by communicating for win-wins and empowering people into wise action ~ consciously.
We stand for integrity and reliability. The intrinsic value of our products lies in their excellence, class, and distinction, providing time-honoured strategic structures and accountability while innovating for world class success. And yes, we are a little bit different.... Contact us
Coaching & mentoring
Programme design
Content creation
Companies choosing Indira Kennedy
EY, World Athletics, Bazalgette, John Lewis Partnership, UK Sport, Voice At The Table, Accenture, BBC, HSBC, A&L Goodbody, Action Planning, R.N.I.B, Queen Elizabeth's Foundation, Carers Trust, UK Spa Association, NAB, MLC, Finance Australia, AWB, Australasian Spa Association, MND Victoria, Parkinson's Victoria, Professional Women's Network (Paris), Thomvell (KL), Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Trust, King's College Hospital, Medway NHS Trust, Homerton NHS Trust
Society needs visionaries of means not dreamers of ends.
When we have the means, the ends will reveal themselves.' David Hawkins M.D.
New E-Book Release!
Still Mind, Wise Heart
The 5 Realities
Conscious Self-Leadership
by Indira Kennedy
APRIL 2023
Element 3: Mindfulness
Youtube interview on one of the 8 Elements of self-mastery with Indira Kennedy and
Anil Ramjiani of Live.Breathe.Believe.
NEW Introducing the 8 Elements transformation program
Online learning academies
Webinar-based trainings
Board and SMT workshops
Senior leadership forums
Team away-days
Leadership development workshops
Coaching and mentoring training
Influencing skills training
Mindfulness training
Leadership round tables
Mastermind communities
Leadership immersion retreats
Wellbeing programs
'Gorgeous All Over ~ a daily guide for women with spirit' by Indira Kennedy
How to create the fulfilling, abundant life you seek using your feminine power as a leading woman
Click on title to purchase your copy
‘Mentoring support is a key factor in the successful development of coaches and leaders on UK Sport programmes.
To see this support being rolled out right across the organisation for all staff underpins our commitment to excellence.’
Senior manager, UK Sport
Indira Kennedy, Director, B.Ed, ICF ACC
Email: indiralk28@gmail.com
Mobile: +44 (0)794 6319 516 United Kingdom
Certified executive coach with ICF and IECL
CLA champions women's equality by supporting Her Spirit UK, and PRASAD Australia's work to improve the health and wellbeing of women and families in the Tansa Valley, India
Women In Global Business
WEConnect (self-registered)
Professional Women's Network (London)
International Coach Federation
PRASAD Australia