Academy and Services
​Cultural Transformation in C21
The academy offers advanced development for leaders and entrepreneurs. Engage us to design and implement your strategic vision for people development and a more conscious culture - online and offline.
Organisational learning and development related to:
Leading others
Social impact for entrepreneurs and business
Women in leadership
Executive coaching
Training and mentoring
Wellbeing and retreats
We will help you to:
strategise your ideal culture
measure your current success factors
diagnose your people's motivations and potential
create the learning and development frameworks needed to embed the latest principles
develop leadership for expansion and growth
advance women in leadership
provide executive coaching support
train in coaching conversations and mentoring skills
provide wellbeing and mental health initiatives.
The look and feel of your culture relies not only on your brand but the energy and influence of your people. People are the culture. The old regime of command and control no longer works. So what do you do instead as a future-leading organisation or entrepreneurial business?​
Equality is a cherished value and is expressed through diverse and inclusive thinking and actions. ​
Organisational learning and development
Learning on the job with a 70-20-10 approach is a proven way to apply a growth mindset and become a true learning organisation. We tailor programs to suit online and face-to-face development.
Set up your complete L&D framework or focus on a specific area of need. Developed and proven in financial services, elite sport, and the non-profit sector, Conscious Leadership development programs are fully tailored to meet your learning goals, supported by expert mentoring and executive coaching services. ​
Our programs:
guide your people's inner journey to greater self-awareness
equip managers for more impactful team leadership
refine levels of influence through more conscious communication
develop engaged, energetic teams
elevate your vision and perspective for positive organisational and global impact
Conscious leadership
The Conscious Leadership development pathway includes a variety of portals to conscious leadership mastery for leaders and teams, and answers three critical questions:
1. How do I elegantly manage my self?
2. How do I communicate for influence and collaboration?
3. How do I make a difference through my/our actions?
Conscious leadership programs cater to senior executives in the C-suite, corporate leaders and teams, entrepreneurs, women in leadership, and future leaders.​
Management Essentials training programme
Bring your managers up to speed by understanding people and how to bring out their best in sustainable ways.
Conscious leadership for teams
Engage your teams fully and unleash the spirit of your team by integrating each individual's self-leadership into a powerful, harmonious whole through our team development programs and mentoring.
Assess your team members' motivations and sensory preferences for greater self-awareness and team cohesion.
See more at the Conscious Leadership page
Conscious self-leadership
Expand your social impact and personal success as a leader by deepening your core self-leadership. Take this powerful knowledge to your teams, creating a conscious culture based on authenticity and multiple intelligences. Unleash creativity, energy and enthusiasm - succeed!​​
The 8 Elements Transformation Programs release your power and provide a set of practical skills to enhance Conscious leadership as a personal ritual for self-mastery.
See more at:
the Self-leadership page and the 8 Elements page
Social impact
Create sustainable global impact through your mission to uplift the planet and all upon it. Explore your intentions and create your impact statement with our Love In Action program for entrepreneurs and business leaders.
See more at the Executive Events and Retreats page
Women in leadership
Advance women's equal place in leadership with conviction and care, building presence, confidence and resilience.
We help to develop women who are aspiring to their next leadership position in business and want to drive their own career path forward. We offer bespoke programs and executive coaching to develop influence and essential conscious presence.
See more at the Women In Leadership page
Executive coaching
Indira Kennedy is a qualified and highly experienced executive coach who can provide one-to-one support to your leaders and team members for more effective change transitioning. In training programs she provides executive mentoring on performance.
See more at the Executive Coaching and Mentoring page
Coaching and mentoring training
Just by changing your conversation you can change results.... Learn advanced mentoring and executive coaching skills to empower your people into greater engagement, well-being and effectiveness in an ever-changing work world.
See more at the Coaching and Mentoring Training page
Wellbeing programs and retreats
Expand your mental health offering to include leadership well-being. Ensure your leaders manage their own well-being and that of their teams in conscious, sustainable ways.
Leadership retreats and away-days
Immerse yourself in the safety and serenity of a retreat setting to explore, experience and embed more conscious beliefs and behaviours for greater self-leadership and sustainable wellbeing.
See more at the Executive Events and Retreats page
Facilitation, training and coaching in advanced self-leadership and conscious communication skills in:
Emotional Intelligence
Spiritual Intelligence
Values alignment
Realising Potential
The Eight Elements
Transformative leadership
First 100 Days of leadership
Conscious Communication
70-20-10 impact learning
Millennium Mastermind
Conscious Teams
Love In Action
Parenting and Purpose
Bring women fully into the career path they are destined to fulfill with individual coaching and innovative programs such as:
Essential Presence
The Power of a Woman
The Destiny Dilemma
Realisation sessions
Parenting and purpose
​​Conscious Communication
Conscious women's retreats
Free yourself and your team to bring full potential to your challenges and goals.
The container of the coaching relationship allows private, intensified reflection in the presence of a trusted, impartial counterpart.
Mentoring provides longer term development so transitions achieve desired outcomes.
Training and facilitation in
leading conscious conversations through executive coaching
and mentoring tools
​Foundation, Advanced and Intensive levels

Individual Executive coaching assignments to embed new behaviours into successful action​​
Unleash hidden talents, restore and refresh while deepening access to the wisdom within
Online development
Training for teams can be conducted online. Choose from topics offered to date or request tailored topics and content to meet your needs.
Transformative Action In The New World Of Work
Women Of The Future
Tackling Your Inner Critic
​Leadership Simplified - Self-leadership
The Eight Elements
How To Succeed Without Selling Your Soul
Happy For No Good Reason
Emotional Intelligence - Unlocking Your Secret Weapon At Work
Conscious Leadership - The Role Of Emotions​
The Five States Of Essential Presence: Conscious Self-leadership
Lost For Words: Understanding The MInd-Emotion Connection
Visioning For Value
Making A World Of Difference - The 8 Elements: how to create a conscious business
How To Succeed And Profit In The World Of Wellbeing
Creating An L&D Strategy
​The New Leadership: Creating And Embedding A Leadership Framework
Creating A Coaching Culture
How To Conduct An Action Learning Set​​​​
Conducting Appraisals
Creating A Powerful PDP
The Challenge Of Change