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The 8 Elements page - Who am I?

The 8 Elements

Welcome to the 8 Elements of a conscious leader's mindful life....


'Mindfulness' elevates conscious self-awareness and reveals deep wisdom, based on natural morality and the laws of cause and effect.


The best of modern leadership skills draw on eight simple, mindful practices that reveal innate knowledge and inspire altrusitic action.


Dive into the 8 Elements of conscious leadership below to discover your personal power and master your purpose as a leader.


The 8 Elements bring vision and value

Learn how to be a Conscious leader who is deeply connected with your own inner wisdom and perspective through the 8 Elements of Self-mastery. We offer four ways to learn and integrate these skills:


  1. Workplace training 

  2. Individual training

  3. Personalised integration coaching

  4. Group training

Workplace Training


Bring the 8 Elements into your leadership development programs and training to elevate your senior teams and culture.


Lead a C21 attitude in your workplace

As a leader of awakened thinking and enlightened action in C21 you need a unique way of being. Welcome us into your world and master the skills needed to release your ingenuity and innovation for the greater good.


Creativity and innovation come from your ability to explore and reflect with depth and courage. They are among the outcomes of a highly conscious leader who develops strong self-leadership skills.






Sign up as a Mindfulness Hub member

Have​ FREE access to the best in tips and tools to help you forge forward on your path to conscious leadership and meaningful success.​​ Log in above.

The 8 Elements Transformation Programs


Sign up for one of our 8 Elements master coaching and training programs with Indira Kennedy to advance your own spiritual intelligence while you develop and realise your personal purpose and business plans. 


Practice each of the 8 Elements of conscious leadership as daily essentials for your personal tool kit and create a new way of being with powerful results through your personalised life rituals.


The 8 Elements Mentoring Program - 5 sessions

Learn each of the 8 Elements and how to apply them to elevate your own Conscious development. Take your own mastery practices deeper with these profound techniques.


The 8 Elements Integrated Coaching Program - 12 sessions

Be coached on your personal, business and leadership goals while you are mentored on each of the 8 Elements to uplift your own Consciousness and create the standard of business that reflects your own elevated state.


Contact Indira for more information on personalised and group coaching and training programs.





The 8 Elements of Conscious Self-leadership






Click on the images below to read case studies on the deep benefits of the 8 Elements that help you:


  1. Visualise your outcome

  2. Set your intention

  3. Be steadily mindful

  4. Energise yourself

  5. Contemplate your ideas

  6. Journal your insights

  7. Attune to your inner wisdom

  8. Meditate on your Self


The conscious leadership journey brings knowledge of your Self


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Rest, refresh, rejuvenate, reflect, re-engage, recommit, rejoice​

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Intention button
Mindfulness Button
Energy Button
Contemplation Button
Journalling Button
Attunement Button
Meditation Button


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