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Impact Stories

Conscious ​leadership programs​


TASK: Managers needed more effective ways to continuously develop their teams on the job, and allow team members to learn from each other.


Indira created a bespoke learning plan and methodology that spanned a full year and worked to guarantee the outcomes the team needed to be successful. 


OUTCOME: Team members had a meaningful focus for their own development and regularly shared their learnings as a teachable moment with their team, building understanding and skills as a whole.


'Indira has provided me with a huge amount of encouragement and support around Leadership ideas this year and it has had a massive positive impact on me and my team. She has an infectious enthusiasm and ability to listen and guide and is a real champion of new progressive ways of embedding learning opportunities throughout day to day activities.'

Mark Kelly, Head of Sport and Athlete Investment, UK Sport


'My experience of the coaching centred approach to management is that it has given a platform for people to have open and honest conversations about where they are, where they want to be and what needs to be done to get there. This has resulted in a visible increase in the sense of direction and focus of employees.’

Manager, UK Sport


TASK: Indira was asked to provide leadership development to key heads of the business banking sector of NAB in Australia. She created a 'Self As Leader' program that brought the leaders together to explore their own motivations and values and therefore their approach to managing their teams.


OUTCOME: The leaders found common ground through sharing their drivers and values, and identified behaviours they would change to ensure their own higher performance without burning out. They realised the positive impact this would have on their own team members and culture.


‘I have seen Indira conduct workshops twice now and I’m once again stunned by her ability to open people up and have them talking so quickly, in a way I’ve never seen anyone do before. And her serenity fills the room. I wish I had what she has. She should bottle it.’​

Gideon Perrott, Head of Business Financial Services​, National Australia Bank


Cultural change and performance


TASK: Indira was asked to create a 'coaching culture' inside UK Sport, to echo its work on the outside of the organisation and create integral alignment.


Indira created a comprehensive coaching training for leaders who were expected to then hold coaching conversations with their teams, especially at performance review time. 


OUTCOME: Teams felt heard, empowered and valued, leaders felt more capable of meaningful exchanges and more confident delegating to their team members, and more trusted relationships were built with external stakeholders as a flow-on effect from having the coaching conversation skills.


‘Instilling a coaching practice across all levels of staff has been an important step forward in the past year to promote a culture of listening, development and high performance within the organisation. As a manager, this has been most evident in how the PDP conversations for the coming year have been shaped, focusing on the person whilst ensuring performance objectives are more closely aligned, complemented and maximised by an individual’s development plans’.

Manager, UK Sport


'I personally found working with Conscious Leadership Australia to be both exciting and comforting, given your long experience in the field and proven track record of success. In particular I am grateful for the way you shared your knowledge and insights with our team so they could learn from you.


​I believe MND Queensland now has a solid foundation on which to build its business and connect with stakeholders, and I would not hesitate to recommend your services to other non-profits wanting to take a more strategic approach to such a core part of their work….’
Jan Samuels, Chief Executive Officer, MND Queensland​


Conscious leadership retreats


‘Indira’s meditation and visualisation sessions were the cornerstone to the success of our strategic planning retreat. Indira’s ability to connect and then engage the participants, from the blue collar Construction Industry, in a process foreign to them is a credit to her professionalism and personal charisma. Indira’s ability to communicate and connect with an audience is a rare gift.’
Tim Kaiser, Senior Consultant, Alchimie


'Having attended the Visioning For Value MasterMind one-day program, my eyes and mind have been opened to a level of knowing I never thought capable of myself. Going forward, I will be utilising the methods taught to me by CLA, within my business as well as my daily life, to profit by improved relationships in both aspects of my life. Forever grateful.'

Errol Stent, entrepreneur


'No matter how successful you are, no matter how many great things are going on in your life, there's always something that you can improve upon. Indira can help you to internalise your feelings with specific holistic exercises that give you lessons for enriching the quality of your life.'

Athan Dolduris, Director, Creative Combat




'Indira is a charismatic woman. The presentation was very good, balanced between presentation, exercises and brainstorming. Congratulations and thank you!'

PWN Paris workshop participant 'How to succeed without selling your soul'​


‘I was totally inspired by your presentation on Conscious Leadership at the ASpa National Conference. From the first word your presence on stage and your obvious depth of knowledge had thoughts firing in my head about how I can improve myself, my business and the community around me. It was one of the most inspiring and motivational talks I have heard in years.’

Charles Davidson, Founder and Director, Peninsula Hot Springs, Rye, Victoria, Australia



Indira Kennedy
Conscious Leadership Australia
+44 (0) 794631 9516 London, U.K

Women in leadership​


TASK: Indira was asked to provide an online workshop for the EY Women's Network at a time when Covid-19 was impacting women's ability to be seen in the workplace and have their contributions valued. There was a fear this could adversely impact their career progression.


Indira created a bespoke workshop on the elements of developing personal presence from the inside out, going deeper than the usual external advice of voice, appearance, and self-promotion. 


OUTCOME: Women realised their personal worth was separate from the monetary value of their roles, and gave them ways to enhance their own authentic presence as part of how they showed up at work, even when online.


'Indira provided a ‘Conscious Leadership: Women of the Future’ masterclass for the EY Women’s Network which primarily focused on showcasing and discussing specific scientific, spiritual and anecdotal solutions for our members to use to enhance their online presence, manage stress and navigate their careers. Not only is Indira extremely knowledgeable within her field of work, she is passionate and dedicated, and this echoed throughout all of our preparation sessions as well as the final workshop. Her willingness and ability to adapt her style and materials to meet the requirements of her audience is outstanding and not something I regularly witness with external speakers. I can’t thank her enough for her presentation and I hope to work with her again in the future.'

Isabel Morris, consultant, Advisory - Performance Improvement, EY, London


'I am STILL gratefully reaping the rewards of your training. Thank you Indira, for a block of incredible coaching sessions.Indira brings a thoughtful and perceptive approach to her sessions with an amazing ability to see clearly and very quickly get to the nub of the problem.We worked on a short, structured programme of sessions providing me with a practical and accessible toolbox to apply at work. The sessions themselves stepped through Eight Elements or practices, bringing together psychology, neuroscience and philosophy with a supported and collaborative approach.Indira’s coaching has changed the way I work, creating greater focus and generating better ideas for myself and those around me. Our sessions happened to coincide with a job interview and moving into a new role. I have found I am more efficient, decisive and my energy is improved.In a challenging work environment, I am able to apply Indira’s principles to crisis management with clarity and compassion."

Kathryn Partridge, Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


‘Indira brings clarity to any issue, resolution to any grievance and grace to any situation. With much love she directs you to the heart of the issue allowing you to find the solution and move forward with new hope. Indira opened me up to a whole new world of possibilities, a life full of potential and for that I am extremely grateful.’

Tammy Tsatsaris, personal development client​


‘I’m proud of my PDP this year. For the first time, I feel truly excited about achieving all elements of it. I also have confidence that I’ll be supported in doing so through a combination of coaching, investment in my development and the collaborative culture that is encouraged at UK Sport’.

Female staff member, UK Sport


Business coaching


​'The sessions gave me the opportunity to work through all the options that were buzzing around my head, to see new ones, and clarify my next step.  Whilst I have various skills that I can use to create income and “make a living” Indira’s coaching helped me to realise again the need to focus on my strengths and what really lights me up.


The main insights I received from the coaching were:
• That when you ask for help you get it.
• That coaching really works.
• That when you clear out the junk, there are magnificent treasures waiting to shine.
• That when you are on track, things flow.’
Julie Davey, Director​, A For Attitude Productions and the B4 Foundation Inc.​


‘I was just amazed at how Indira managed to ignite new and fresh ideas on how to manage my team, not only in terms of leadership skills but also with empathy and compassion. “Leadership with heart” is the best way to describe it. I look forward to following her “Gorgeous All Over” book and products.’

Bernadine Bogusz Spa Manager, The Sebel Resort and Spa, Windsor NSW​


'Indira Kennedy is doing important work that most business owners overlook. Most business owners are so focused on the outputs - getting more leads, getting more customers and increasing profits - that they forget the importance of what they input. Indira's work helps business owners look at the bigger picture and take more a holistic approach, which is critical for anyone serious about growing their business.'

Dan Dobos, Founder & CEO,


Executive coaching​


​‘Your "Conscious Coaching" program was excellent and was particularly relevant to me as a first time People Leader.

​ The "Grow Model" in particular is something I now utilise on a daily basis and I feel that it has improved both my effectiveness and my business decisions.​


The most significant component for me however, was the follow-up sessions. I found these to be challenging, confronting and liberating and certainly one of the most personal and beneficial coaching moments I have experienced.

Neville Stella, Business Banking Manger, National Australia Bank​


‘Indira initially worked with identifying my work values and helped me generate a broad executive plan with several strategies for fundraising and grant applications. In addition, Indira help me manage a difficult situation, helped me maintain balance and clarity, and helped me communicate in a respectful and values-based way. Indira used action-based coaching, focusing on outcomes of the choices and action I wanted to make. Indira is crisp, emotionally intelligent and solution-focused. I hope to continue working with her now and in the future.’​

Bill Bennett, State Manager​, MND Association of Western Australia


‘Through the coaching I have received and my own supported practice in coaching others, I have been able to support individuals at all levels of the organisation to find solutions to their problems using very simple techniques. A little bit of training from a professional coach is proving to be powerful in enabling us to realise the potential of every individual at UK Sport’.

Manager, UK Sport​​

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