Intending the best for all​​
A CEO was struggling with her assistant’s behaviour and attitude at work. She felt she had tried everything to get the unhappy staff member under control and see her point of view. It was making her own work as a leader stressful as her trust had dropped - in herself and her assistant.
Through coaching, we worked together to visualise her intention as a leader of the organisation’s mission and consequently the service she required of her staff member. From there she was able to conduct her work objectively with certainty and renewed respect for her role and assistant. Her relationship with her staff member became more harmonious with clearer boundaries. Ultimately the assistant realigned her own personal intentions and happily chose to find a more appropriate role for herself elsewhere, even choosing to discuss her goals with the CEO.
Extend what you intend
​Learn how to work with clear intention as a leader and set your potential firmly on the path to actualising your goals.
Contact us to help formulate your intentions for yourself and your innovative organisation.
Intention writes the map and engages the heart
on the leadership journey