Are you suffering from 'lazy learning'?
'Here is John. See John run. Here is Betty. See Betty run. Here is Spot. See Spot run.' The John and Betty books I grew up with at school...
Watch out for the Millennials
These Millennials are causing a lot of conversation and some of it with consternation. They want to move fast, disrupt status quo,...
Where In The World Has L&D Gone?
How do you answer a question like that? I was recently asked my opinion on the state of learning and development globally. Not just a...
Coaching With Emotional Intelligence
Ever felt like you wished you hadn't got started? They just won't stop talking and pushing advice at you. Most of it is off-beam and...
How to hold on to your Self - when EQ comes to the rescue.
'I have lost myself,' people say to me, particularly in workplace coaching conversations. As they start to explore this and describe how...
Ego: the enemy of emotional intelligence
None of us particularly like being the victim of someone else's ego. We mentally roll our eyes, feel the nipping sensation in our gut,...
How to succeed ~ lessons from the world of elite sport
The world of elite sport is traditionally one that pushes bodies and minds to the limit. Burnout is common. There is a view that it takes...

Nine rules for making money work or how to make a heap of money and still feel good about yourself
The problem today for most businesses is the confusion, ambivalence and stress created by wanting to make enough money. CNN Money says...
Can you see the future?
Not feeling very fulfilled lately and overwhelmed by my underwhelm, I sat down to contemplate the ‘real’ issue. Why did feelings of...
Mentoring transitions consciously - the 6 identity phases
Challenges in our lives can seem to happen quite randomly and shock us. Suddenly we are adjusting our lives and our careers to suit....