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'What is Conscious leadership?'

I have been asked this a few times recently so here are some ways to describe it, in relation to the three levels at which Conscious leadership operates - self, others, planet - as an integrated, wholistic view of self, others and the world.

The triad is essential to have in place to form a solid foundation for world service, starting with Self-leadership as the base of all effective Conscious leadership.

Level One Self: Practising self-awareness and self-leadership by seeing personal impact and managing energy, mind and emotions into a positive sense of self and purpose.

Level Two Others: Acting with wisdom and compassion under pressure; actively fostering people's personal missions, values and development while meeting the business mission. Role modelling harmonious self-leadership.

Level Three Planet: Connecting and contributing to a collective higher purpose beyond but through the resources, people, products and services of the business.

Many companies focus on their good corporate citizenship and might use the UN Global Goals to connect business with cause, but without the other 2 levels strongly in place, there will be incongruity and ultimately erosion of the brand. They will lose customer loyalty when the public realises the business does not walk its talk. The inner life does not match the outer.


'The brands that will thrive in the coming years are the ones that have a purpose beyond profit.' Richard Branson

The power to have positive impact is so much greater when we can use our businesses to align a greater purpose with the business vision and mission - it creates a perfectly synergised path to success and deep heartfelt fulfilment for all involved. Profit becomes purposeful and powerful as the fuel for change and upliftment.

With all 3 levels in action, the new triple bottom line becomes 'Mission, Money and Meaning' for all involved.

To put it simply, as a wise teacher once said, 'Make lots of money and do great things with it.'

Contact me here for more information on the skills needed for Conscious leadership and how to bring them into your business world.

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